Quality of waters lakes Kazakhstan in contemporaneous period (for example of lake Kopa)


  • S. M. Romanova al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • N. B. Kazangapova Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University
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quality of natural waters, main ions, index of pollution waters


Herein the authors set the question of the possible hydro-ecological crisis due to the development of water use. The article is devoted to the study of Kopa, hydro ecological lake, which is one of the main sources of water supply of Kokshetau city (Republic of Kazakhstan). Based on the calculation of water pollution index (WPI) and oil concentration in the water it proves the influence of anthropogenic factors on the hydro chemical regime of the Kopa lake. Kazakhstan continental lakes, including Kopa lake, accumulate river water, groundwater and aerial water. Mixing with each other and with lake water – is not just a simple physical mixing, but also a chemical process, causing generation of recent saline composition of lake water. These processes are united into the common conception “metamorphization”. In metamorphization of chemical compositions of natural water the main role is for: wind mixture and oxygen saturation of water masses; alongshore movement of drifts, their flotation (abrasion, segregation), saturation of water with colloid-clay substances and some other processes.


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How to Cite

Romanova, S. M., and N. B. Kazangapova. 2013. “Quality of Waters Lakes Kazakhstan in Contemporaneous Period (for Example of Lake Kopa)”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 6 (2):65-70. https://ijbch.kaznu.kz/index.php/kaznu/article/view/102.