Information For Authors
Submissions to the International Journal of Biology and Chemistry are made using Open Journal System, the online submission and peer review system. Registration and access is available at Submission
The article is submitted in electronic format (in the formats .doc, .docx, .rtf) only by downloading it through the functionality of the journal's website (Open Journal System).
The author for correspondence is obliged to provide a cover letter for publication in the journal.
Information for Authors
The Editorial Board accepts previously unpublished papers on the scientific directions of the journal. Checking for plagiarism and authorship is obligatory. Joint papers of the authors from several countries have prevalence.
Font size – 12 (abstract, key words, literature, text of Tables and Figures – 11), font – Times New Roman, alignment to the width, interval – single, paragraph indent – 1 cm, page margins - 2 cm all sides.
Figures, Tables, Graphs, Diagrams, etc. are presented directly in the text, indicated by numbering and title (eg. Figure 1 – Name). After the illustration comes its description. All illustrative material, except Tables, should be additionally provided in jpeg format.
The volume of the main text (excluding title, abstract, key words, references) should be not less than 2000 words.
The template for the manuscript is strongly recommended to be used.
Published twice a year: June 30, December 25. Starting September, 2023 publication of manuscripts for local authors is 3,000 KZT per page; to be paid prior to print.