Induced mutagenesis in obtaining donors of resistance to leaf rust in wheat


  • N. Zh. Omirbekova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Zh. К. Zhunusbayeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • А. I. Zhussupova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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induced mutagenesis, surfactants, resistance


The Concept of Kazakhstan entrance into one of the 30 most developed countries of the world long-term priorities are designated, one of which is translated into the path of innovation of agricultural industry, development of sustainable and highly productive agriculture. In countries, which are the major producers of marketable grain in the world, the main strategy advocates creation and introduction of wheat varieties resistant to abiotic and biotic environmental factors, namely, creation of productive drought-tolerant, salt-tolerant, and resistant to various diseases varieties with high grain quality.


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How to Cite

Omirbekova, N. Zh., Zhunusbayeva Zh. К., and Zhussupova А. I. 2014. “Induced Mutagenesis in Obtaining Donors of Resistance to Leaf Rust in Wheat”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 7 (1):24-26.