Biological dosimetry and unbiased assessment of detrimental radiation effect on humans


  • N. B. Akhmatullina National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Sh. A. Beisembayeva S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University

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biodosimetry, modern method, radiation, human health


Biodosimetry is a modern method of immediate and unbiased assessment of the effects of different radiation doses on humans. Unfortunately, many radioecologists ignore this major purpose, considering the information of values of physical analytical changes to be sufficient. This short excursus on the substantiation of the biodosimetry role was made in order to remind radioecologists that the issue of radiation danger must be primarily based on the assessment of its negative effect on the human genetic apparatus. The relevance of biodosimetry has increased upon identification of a new effect – radiationinduced genome instability resulting in remote consequences demonstrated as de novo through the number of subsequent generations. Any extrapolations of the findings of physical environmental measurements, or even the data obtained in different animals, are not acceptable. Each of them has its own role in the assessment of radiation effect. We think that protection of human health and life is of highest importance.


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How to Cite

Akhmatullina, N. B., and Sh. A. Beisembayeva. 2014. “Biological Dosimetry and Unbiased Assessment of Detrimental Radiation Effect on Humans”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 7 (2):11-15.