Using gene fund of wild relatives for common wheat improvement


  • K. K. Kozhahmetov Kazakh Research Institute of Agriculture and Plant growing, Almalybak v.
  • A. I. Abugalieva Kazakh Research Institute of Agriculture and Plant growing, Almalybak v.

        73 66


distant hybridization, drought resistance, forming, quality, density, cross-breeding, hybrids


The article describes the research results, the method of distant hybridization can provide to get new genotypes with new parameters, high-yielding, immune, with a high content of protein in the grain and adapted to environmental conditions.


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How to Cite

Kozhahmetov, K. K., and A. I. Abugalieva. 2014. “Using Gene Fund of Wild Relatives for Common Wheat Improvement”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 7 (2):41-43.