Origin of cultivated species of tetraploid wheat


  • A. S. Zhangaziev Taraz State Pedagogical Institute
  • S. I. Nurbekov Taraz State Pedagogical Institute
  • G. K. Ziyaeva Taraz State Pedagogical Institute
  • J. S. Tulubaev Taraz State Pedagogical Institute


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genes, culture, maternal, paternal, phenotype, morphogenetic processes


Resintez of kinds showed the method of genetic analysis, that many of tetraploid types of wheats it is impossible to examine as independent taxonomical units. On the basis of genetic analysis it offers to plug in the group of tetraploidea only four kinds: T.dicoccoides Korn., T.timopheevii Zhuk., T.araraticum Jakubz., T.dicoccum Shubl. All other kinds (durum, turgidum, persicum, polonicum, aethiopicum) behave to the natural ecology- geographical categories.


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How to Cite

Zhangaziev, A. S., S. I. Nurbekov, G. K. Ziyaeva, and J. S. Tulubaev. 2014. “Origin of Cultivated Species of Tetraploid Wheat”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 7 (2):57-60. https://doi.org/10.26577/2218-7979-2014-7-2-57-60.