Effect of methyl methacrylate and butyl methacrylate copolymer on the physico-mechanical properties of acryl syrup for paints


  • E.S. M. Negim Kazakh-British Technical University, 106 Walikhanov Street, Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan
  • A. Nurlybayeva Taraz State University named after M.H. Dulati, 60 Tole Bi Street, 080000 Taraz, Kazakhstan
  • G. S. Irmukhametova al Faraby Kazakh National University, 71, al-Faraby av., 050040, Almaty
  • A. Makhatova Kazakh-British Technical University, 106 Walikhanov Street, Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan
  • A. Basharimova Kazakh-British Technical University, 106 Walikhanov Street, Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan
  • A. Serikkali Kazakh-British Technical University, 106 Walikhanov Street, Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan
  • M. Sakhy Taraz State University named after M.H. Dulati, 60 Tole Bi Street, 080000 Taraz, Kazakhstan
  • R. Iskakov Kazakh-British Technical University, 106 Walikhanov Street, Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan
  • G. A. Mun al Faraby Kazakh National University, 71, al-Faraby av., 050040, Almaty


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polymethyl methacrylate, syrups, self-curing, acrylic paint


The present study deals with the physico-mechanical properties of acryl syrups paint, which are made from copolymer powder and methyl methacrylate (MMA) monomer. Copolymer powders were used based on MMA and butyl methacrylate (BMA). The effect of copolymer powder to MMA- monomer ratio on the physico-mechanical properties acryl syrup mixes for paint applications was investigated. Testing included pot-life, curing time, viscosity, tensile strength, elongation, water absorption and hardness shore A. The results showed that, not only monomer composition of the copolymer but also the ratio of copolymer to MMA-monomer affected the physico-mechanical properties of acrylic films. The tensile strength, hardness, pot-life, curing time and hardness of the acrylic film increased with the increase of the MMA ratio in copolymer and decrease content of copolymer in acrylic syrup mixes. In conclusion, low copolymer content and high MMA ratio in copolymer (MMA/BMA) powders are desired to produce paint with physico-mechanical properties.

Author Biographies

E.S. M. Negim, Kazakh-British Technical University, 106 Walikhanov Street, Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan

School of Chemical Engineering

G. S. Irmukhametova, al Faraby Kazakh National University, 71, al-Faraby av., 050040, Almaty

Department of Chemistry & Technology of Organic Materials, Polymers and Natural Compounds

A. Makhatova, Kazakh-British Technical University, 106 Walikhanov Street, Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan

School of Chemical Engineering

A. Basharimova, Kazakh-British Technical University, 106 Walikhanov Street, Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan

School of Chemical Engineering

A. Serikkali, Kazakh-British Technical University, 106 Walikhanov Street, Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan

School of Chemical Engineering

R. Iskakov, Kazakh-British Technical University, 106 Walikhanov Street, Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan

School of Chemical Engineering

G. A. Mun, al Faraby Kazakh National University, 71, al-Faraby av., 050040, Almaty

Department of Chemistry & Technology of Organic Materials, Polymers and Natural Compounds


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How to Cite

Negim, E.S. M., A. Nurlybayeva, G. S. Irmukhametova, A. Makhatova, A. Basharimova, A. Serikkali, M. Sakhy, R. Iskakov, and G. A. Mun. 2015. “Effect of Methyl Methacrylate and Butyl Methacrylate Copolymer on the Physico-Mechanical Properties of Acryl Syrup for Paints”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 8 (2):60-65. https://doi.org/10.26577/2218-7979-2015-8-2-60-65.