The possibilities of use of the polyelectrolyte solutions in membrane technology for desalination


  • Sh. G. Alimkhanova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty
  • A. Zh. Alikulov Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty
  • R. A. Mangazbayeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty
  • I E. Suleimenov Almaty University of Power Engineering & Telecommunications, Almaty
  • G. A. Mun Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty

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dialysis membrane, polyacrylic acid, optical density, water purification, degree of desalination


The possibilities of use polyacrylic acid (PAA) solutions in membrane technology for water desalination have been investigated. To control changes in salt concentration (K3 [Fe (CN)6]), in aqueous solution, separated using standard dialysis membranes by UV spectroscopy. Thus optical density was examined at different concentrations of the
solutions of the polymer (PAA), red blood salt, effect of pH on the degree of desalination. It was determined that the optimal concentration of polymer upon purification of water is PAA 10%. But with reduction of concentration of salt from 0,1mol/l to 0,001 mol/l the degree of desalination is increased. Upon use of solutions with lower рН values such as рН=3 the degree of desalination is decreased.


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How to Cite

Alimkhanova, Sh. G., A. Zh. Alikulov, R. A. Mangazbayeva, I E. Suleimenov, and G. A. Mun. 2016. “The Possibilities of Use of the Polyelectrolyte Solutions in Membrane Technology for Desalination”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 9 (1):79-82.