The soil algal flora as bio-indicators of the soil condition in the Baghlan region (Afghanistan)


  • N. Rahmatzai Baghlan University
  • A. Habibi Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • N. R. Akmuhanova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • B. K. Zayaadan Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • A. K. Sadvakasova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • A. Baizhigitova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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Soil algae are present in all kinds of soils, both arable and virgin, in large amounts and in great diversity. They are photoautotrophic, aerobic organisms obtain CO2 from atmosphere and energy from sunlight and synthesize their own nutrients. They are unicellular, filamentous and/or colonial. Soil algae are divided into four main phyla like Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Xanthophyta, Bacillariophyta. They play a crucial role in soil fertility. Particularly Cyanophycae members are known by their significant role in the nitrogen source of soils. There are numerous works about the soil algal flora as bio-indicators of the soil condition in the world but no research has been carried out on Baghlan region.
This article presents the results of the study on the species diversity of soil algal flora in Baghlan region (Afghanistan). In order to study the soil algal flora in the Baghlan region, soil sample were collected in August, 2016. Collected soil sample were cultured in standard medium and soil algae were observed thoroughly under research microscope and identified with the help of standard literature on algae. According to the results of the study, soil algocenoses in Baghlan province, Chashmaishir and Shamarq characterized by the predominance of cyanobacteria. We have identified 4 divisions, 8 classes, 18 orders, 24 families, 28 genera, 46 species. According to the analysis of certain kinds of saprophytic-indicator, the soil of the Baghlan region characterized as the β-mesosaproprobic. The saprobity index according to the method of Pantle – Buck was s 2.8. The main representatives of algae indicator in soils are α, β- mesosaprobics of microalgae.

Author Biography

N. Rahmatzai, Baghlan University

Faculty of Agriculture


How to Cite

Rahmatzai, N., A. Habibi, N. R. Akmuhanova, B. K. Zayaadan, A. K. Sadvakasova, and A. Baizhigitova. 2016. “The Soil Algal Flora As Bio-Indicators of the Soil Condition in the Baghlan Region (Afghanistan)”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 9 (2):11-16.