Catalysts for neutralization of waste gases of the vehicles and industry


  • L. R. Sassykova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Y. A. Aubakirov Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • G. R. Kosmambetova National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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The article is about synthesis of catalysts on block metal carriers for neutralization of waste gases of the vehicles and the industry. Alumina or alumina with the addition of a zeolite or Ce4+, Ti4+, Zr4+, La3+, Fe3+ were used for preparation of the washcoats. The compounds of Mn, Ni, Co, Fe and the platinum group
metals were applied as the active phase. The synthesized catalysts were tested in the process of complete oxidation of NOx, CO, C3H8 and NOx+C3H6+O2 reaction. It was revealed that activity of Pd-Mo of catalysts increased at addition in composition of the carrier of cations Ce4+ и Zr4+. The activity of palladium catalyst in oxidation reactions CO was equal to 90-100% and was independent of the concentration of metal, in complete oxidation of C3H8 at 473-623 K it was 78-90%, for Pt -containing catalyst – 95-100%. It was revealed that in case of the catalysts with base metals introducing of Ti4+ significantly increased the degree of reduction of nitrogen oxides with propylene.

Author Biographies

L. R. Sassykova, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical technology

Y. A. Aubakirov, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical technology

G. R. Kosmambetova, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

L.V. Pisarzhevskii Institute of Physical Chemistry


How to Cite

Sassykova, L. R., Y. A. Aubakirov, and G. R. Kosmambetova. 2017. “Catalysts for Neutralization of Waste Gases of the Vehicles and Industry”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 10 (1):84-88.