Characteristics of interaction of miRNA with mRNA of E2F transcription factors family genes


  • D. E. Aisina al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • R. E. Niyazova al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • S. A. Atambayeva al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • E. N. Imyanitov National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N.N. Petrov
  • A. T. Ivashchenko al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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Search of binding sites of 6266 miRNA with mRNA of genes of E2F transcription factors family was implemented. The mRNA of E2F1 gene is associated with 13 miRNAs in 5′UTR, CDS and 3′UTR. The mRNA of E2F2 gene has binding sites for 10 miRNAs. The binding sites of miR-1-875-3p and miR-760-3р are conservative in mRNA of E2F2 gene of 18 mammalian species. The mRNA of E2F3 gene contains binding sites for one miRNA in the 5’UTR, for two miRNAs in the 3’UTR and for other seven miRNAs in the CDS. The miR-7-19239-3p, miR-19-42772-5p, miR-3-9461-3p, miR-17-39416-3p can interact with mRNA of E2F3 gene with energy more than -120 kJ/mole. The mRNA of E2F4 gene has binding sites for six miRNAs in CDS, 5’UTR and 3’UTR. The mRNA of E2F5 gene contains binding sites for seven miRNA located only in the CDS. The mRNA of E2F6 gene has one binding site for miRNA in the 5’UTR, three in the 3’UTR. The mRNA of E2F7 gene binds miR-14-34881-3p in the CDS. The predicted miRNA binding sites with mRNA of E2F gene family help to find associations of miRNAs with their target genes for the development of diagnostic methods of tumourigenesis. The following pairs can be used as associations of miRNA with target genes: miR-6511b-3p, miR-1-1714-3p and miR-6786-5p with mRNA of E2F1 gene; miR-7-19239-3p, miR-19-42772-5p, miR-3-9461-3p and miR-17-39416-3p with mRNA of E2F3 gene; miR-5-15026-5p and miR-20-44817-5p with mRNA of E2F4 gene.

Author Biographies

D. E. Aisina, al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Research Institute of Problems of Biology and Biotechnology

R. E. Niyazova, al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Research Institute of Problems of Biology and Biotechnology

S. A. Atambayeva, al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Research Institute of Problems of Biology and Biotechnology

A. T. Ivashchenko, al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Research Institute of Problems of Biology and Biotechnology


How to Cite

Aisina, D. E., R. E. Niyazova, S. A. Atambayeva, E. N. Imyanitov, and A. T. Ivashchenko. 2017. “Characteristics of Interaction of MiRNA With MRNA of E2F Transcription Factors Family Genes”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 10 (2):10-18.