Test of catalysts for purification of toxic gases of the motor transport and the industry


  • L. R. Sassykova al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Y. A. Aubakirov al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • V. N. Bunin Scientific Research Institute of New Chemical Technologies and Materials
  • S. Sendilvelan


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The work aim was preparation and testing effective catalysts for reduction of toxic gases of the motor transport and industry. The laboratory flowing installation, the stationary diesel generator of brand 5GF-LDE with power of 5 kVA and the diesel engine – generator of Kama Automobile Plant truck running on diesel fuel were used for investigation. The full-sized catalysts were also used for the experimental – industrial tests of catalysts with JSC “EMG” (Kazakhstan) on flue gas of oil heating furnaces in order to reduce toxic emissions. Stability of the carriers and the active phases to poisoning by water vapour was researched. The tests showed high efficiency of the neutralization on NOx- to 65%, CxHy-to 85.0-88%, CO-99.0-100%. The catalytic samples on the basis of Ni and Mn promoted by Pd (0.1%, 0.25%) and Pt (0.1%), provide high degree of transformation CO to CO2, СхНy into CO2 and H2O, NO to N2. Decrease in toxiferous emissions on the South-West Kamyshitovoye field was: on CO –100%, on NO -7.7%, on NOx-7,7%, on SO2 – 57.1%; on the “S. Balgimbayevo” field: on CO – 99.6%, on NO -20.4 %, on NOx-19.6 %.

Author Biographies

L. R. Sassykova, al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical technology

Y. A. Aubakirov, al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical technology


How to Cite

Sassykova, L. R., Y. A. Aubakirov, V. N. Bunin, and S. Sendilvelan. 2017. “Test of Catalysts for Purification of Toxic Gases of the Motor Transport and the Industry”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 10 (2):54-61. https://doi.org/10.26577/2218-7979-2017-10-2-54-61.