Injection of sorbent and subsequent analysis of blood cells


  • G. D. Daulet Laboratory of Human and Animal Physiology
  • G. K. Atanbaeva Laboratory of Human and Animal Physiology
  • S. T. Tuleukhanov Laboratory of Human and Animal Physiology
  • A. Ydyrys Laboratory of Human and Animal Physiology
  • A. Baishanbo Basic medical college of Xinjiang medical university
  • S. N. Abdireshov Institute of Нuman and Аnimal Рhysiology MES RK

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This article indicates the adaptive reaction of the blood and lymph system that is affected by the extreme factor which is toxic substance. Change of the viscosity and overall protein composition of the blood and lymph, the erythrocytes and leukocytes of the rats which were receiving toxic substance
for a long period of time and small changes in concentration of ions were observed. SUMS-1 (1g/kg) was used as a detoxicant in the experiment. The impact of toxic substances has decreased and animal state has improved after intake of SUMS-1. Regarding the composition and flow of the lymph, physicochemical and biochemical parameters of blood cells were positive. When using the organic compounds lymph flow declined and composition reduced, whereas application of enterosorbent detoxifiers resulted conversely. After introduction into abdominal cavity SUMS-1 displayed high sorption properties. Sorbents are characterized by their ability to absorb toxic substances. In recent years, sorbents are widely used in various diseases, so it has great importance in the treatment and prevention. It is noticed that the physical and chemical properties of the animals blood receiving the sorbent improved. As can be seen from these data, the excretion of toxic substances from the body during sorbent reception was significant higher. The
data obtained during the experiment showed that the decrease in erythrocytes was observed simultaneously with the reduction of hematocrit, which showed that the plasma portion of the blood increased and the appearance of hydrobialysis. It should be noted that the addition of enterosorbent to rats leads to a restoration of the volume of plasma and blood cells. The results provide strong evidence that SUMS-1supplementation is beneficial in protecting the kidneys from CCl4 toxicity. This kind work of research in this area should be continued.


How to Cite

Daulet, G. D., G. K. Atanbaeva, S. T. Tuleukhanov, A. Ydyrys, A. Baishanbo, and S. N. Abdireshov. 2018. “Injection of Sorbent and Subsequent Analysis of Blood Cells”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 11 (1):82-88.