Investigation of Rubber Crumb from worn tires use to road constructions


  • Ye. K. Ongarbayev Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Ye. Tileuberdi Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Z. A. Mansurov Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • F. Austruy La Rochelle University
  • B. K. Tuleutaev Institute of Combustion Problems
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Petroleum bitumen, Rubber crumb, Rubber-Bitumen Compounds, Rubber-Asphalt mix, Penetration, Softening point, Water saturation, Compression strength


In this article was investigated ways of production of Rubber-Bitumen Compounds (RBC) and Rubber-Asphalt mix based rubber crumb (CR) from worn tires. The physico-mechanical characteristics of paving bitumen BND 60/90 modified with rubber crumb and spent engine oil. The structure of rubber crumb was characterized by optical microscopy. A possibility of using these rubber-bitumen compounds for preparing rubberized asphalt mixture was investigated experimentally. Physico-mechanical characteristics of RBC and Rubber-asphalt are determined by standard methods.


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How to Cite

Ongarbayev, Ye. K., Ye. Tileuberdi, Z. A. Mansurov, F. Austruy, and B. K. Tuleutaev. 2012. “Investigation of Rubber Crumb from Worn Tires Use to Road Constructions”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry, no. 3 (June):13-20.