The efficacy of combination the amoxicillin and new complex of iodine for lungs infection of mice caused by Klebsiella pneumonia


  • R. Islamov Scientific Center of Anti-infectious Drugs
  • N. Pominova Scientific Center for Anti-Infectious Drugs
  • G. Fomin Scientific Center for Anti-Infectious Drugs
  • A. Myrzabayeva Scientific Center for Anti-Infectious Drugs
  • A. Jumagaziyeva Scientific Center for Anti-Infectious Drugs
  • R. Jumagaziyeva Scientific Center for Anti-Infectious Drugs
  • A. Kurmanaliyeva Scientific Center for Anti-Infectious Drugs
  • A. Ilin Scientific Center for Anti-Infectious Drugs

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In this work, the effectiveness of combination therapy of a new iodine complex (PA) and amoxicillin was investigated. For this, an experimental model of mouse lung infection caused by multi-resistant Klebsiella pneumonia ATCC 700603 strain was used. Therapy was administered for 14 days with amoxicillin at a dose of 10 mg/kg and PA at doses of 20 and 200 mg/kg. In addition, the post-therapeutic effect was assessed on day 7. The level of bacteria was studied in the lungs and blood. The concentration of antibiotic and PA in blood was also measured. As a result, it was found that on day 14 the level of bacteria in the lungs and blood significantly decreased with a combination of 10 mg/kg amoxicillin and 200 mg/kg PA. 7 days after the completion of therapy, complete elimination of bacteria occurred in the groups of 20 and 200 mg/kg PA in combination with an antibiotic. With the combined effect of PA and amoxcillin, the level of the antibiotic increases, this may indicate an improvement in bioavailability. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of PA in combination with amoxicillin.


How to Cite

Islamov, R., N. Pominova, G. Fomin, A. Myrzabayeva, A. Jumagaziyeva, R. Jumagaziyeva, A. Kurmanaliyeva, and A. Ilin. 2021. “The Efficacy of Combination the Amoxicillin and New Complex of Iodine for Lungs Infection of Mice Caused by Klebsiella Pneumonia”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 14 (1):149-55.