To promoting domestic legume and pumpkin germplasms in Kazakhstan


  • Saendygul Baiseyitova Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
  • Auez Mashkeyev Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
  • Zaure Aytasheva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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germplasm, common bean, pumpkin, productivity, variety (cultivar, or cv), seed parameters


The study is concentrated on Kazakhstan legumes as food and heirloom pumpkins, generation and introduction of their varieties and lines by using already created and developing seed bank which enlists domestic as foreign accessions and cultivars from Russia, EU countries, USA and Asia. Some of common bean cultivars introduced in the mountain zone with strictly continental conditions have demonstrated appropriate seed germination, maturation rates and dehydration tolerance. By seed weight and other seed parameters generated domestic cultivars have been shown to exceed other domestic cultivars, lines as external accessions and cultivars. Comparing to common bean, azuki bean under the mountain-zone cropping has indicated delayed leaf vegetation and belated onset of the flowering and pod formation. This has caused the “wavy”, or repeated anthesis in hot and dry conditions. Combined germplasm of food and heirloom pumpkins includes 34 different varieties. Wheat sector intrinsic for Kazakhstan should be obviously extended by the introduction of other cereal and vegetable crops based on research incentives and recommendations.


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How to Cite

Baiseyitova, Saendygul, Auez Mashkeyev, and Zaure Aytasheva. 2012. “To Promoting Domestic Legume and Pumpkin Germplasms in Kazakhstan”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry, no. 3 (June):34-38.