Caspian Sea is Energy and Vital Source: Human Being, Sustainable Development of Ecosystem’s and Society


  • A. B. Bigalyev Al-Faraby Kazakh National University
  • E. T. Zhanburshin Al-Faraby Kazakh National University
  • R. K. Bigalyeva Kazakh-Russian Medical University,
  • A. R. Ryskulova Kazakh-Russian Medical University,
  • Zh. D. Kenzhin Kazakh-Russian Medical University,
  • Zh. Rakhmanova Kazakh-Russian Medical University,
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germplasm, common bean, pumpkin, productivity, variety (cultivar, or cv), seed parameters


Taking into account the special ecological danger of this region, the similar researches are necessary not only for estimation of natural complexes state experiencing an anthropogenesis stress, but for prediction of mutagenic and carcinogenic danger of environmental factors for the people living on these territories. The author explains these factors that in different geographical zones there are different indicators of esophagus cancer frequency 5-6 times more often than in south Kazakhstan areas. The received data have shown that oil and oil products are high-toxic and complexes substances and influencing alive body’s heredity. It is reflected on the ecosystems of Atyrau area Giloy district, and all North part of Caspian Sea: the separate genotypes of existing of plant and animal species populations are disappearing. Annually Caspian Sea transgression and regression influence on huge coastal landscapes. That's why at present there is а problem of stable biodiversity, genetic resources and ecosystem protection not only local, but regional also.


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How to Cite

Bigalyev, A. B., E. T. Zhanburshin, R. K. Bigalyeva, A. R. Ryskulova, Zh. D. Kenzhin, and Zh. Rakhmanova. 2012. “Caspian Sea Is Energy and Vital Source: Human Being, Sustainable Development of Ecosystem’s and Society”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry, no. 3 (June):39-42.