The principles of methods in determining level of bioindication of damaged ecosystems


  • Z. D. Kenzhin Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • A. B. Kerimkulova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • A. B. Bigaliev Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        50 42


bioindicator, Abramis sapa P., environmental pollution


This paper describes a bioindicator methodic for the northern part of Caspian Sea - Abramis sapa P. (Bream white eye), individuals who were caught and fixed in 10% formalin at a time in the area near Atyrau city Balykshy settlement in August 2011. It is shown that the specie Abramis sapa P., can be used as an indicator species for the determination of environmental pollution by oil products and heavy metals. These, studies have shown that the specie Abramis sapa P., can be used as an indicator species for environmental pollution by oil products and heavy metals.


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How to Cite

Kenzhin, Z. D., A. B. Kerimkulova, and A. B. Bigaliev. 2012. “The Principles of Methods in Determining Level of Bioindication of Damaged Ecosystems”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry, no. 3 (June):43-47.