Ecology-genetical evaluation of environmental pollution (Heavy metalls, radionuclides) on biota and man


  • A. B. Bigalyev Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • E. T. Zhanburshin Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control of Mangistau region
  • R. K. Bigalyeva Kazakh-Russian Medical University
  • A. Sinturina
  • Zh. Kenzhin
  • Zh. Rakhvanova
  • A. Imentai
  • A. Shametov
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anthropogenic, environmental factors, degradation, biota, human population


By influence of anthropogenic factors is of natural landscape degradation process, less of biota number and links in biocenosis carry out. Environmental factors as pollution have genetical consequences. At the report is showed a research results for more 20 years investigations to evaluation of anthropogenic factors effect on biota and human population.


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How to Cite

Bigalyev, A. B., E. T. Zhanburshin, R. K. Bigalyeva, A. Sinturina, Zh. Kenzhin, Zh. Rakhvanova, A. Imentai, and A. Shametov. 2012. “Ecology-Genetical Evaluation of Environmental Pollution (Heavy Metalls, Radionuclides) on Biota and Man”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry, no. 4 (December):18-23.