Genetic identification of wheat resistance genes to yellow rust


  • A. A. Tokubayeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • K. K. Shulembaeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        55 38


Introgressive line, wheat, species, genetic analysis, hybridization, resistance to yellow rust (Yr)


Resistance to stripe rust of wheat introgression lines with efficient gene Yr isogenic lines in Avocet variety was studied. The lines 344 and 345 had a dominant and monogenic nature of inheritance for resistance to yellow rust. Resistance gene of the line 344 was found to be allelic to Yr 5 gene, but for the line 345, it was found to be allelic to Yr 10 gene of Avocet tester. Those tolerant to yellow rust introgressive lines could be widely used as donors of stability in practical selection of soft wheat.


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How to Cite

Tokubayeva, A. A., and K. K. Shulembaeva. 2012. “Genetic Identification of Wheat Resistance Genes to Yellow Rust”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry, no. 4 (December):38-41.