Types and economically valuable features of change produced by the gamma radiation before sowing the seeds by the M1 generation of the cotton plant


  • I.C. Zeynalova Research Institute of Plant Protection and Technical Crops of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ganja, Azerbaijan
  • A.A. Tagiyev Research Institute of Plant Protection and Technical Crops of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ganja, Azerbaijan
  • G.A. Gojayeva Institute of Radiation Problems of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • E.S. Jafarov Institute of Radiation Problems of the Azerbaijan, National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan


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The presented article presents the results on the types of changes in the M1 generation plants of Ganja-160, Ganja-182 and Ganja-183 cotton varieties treated with γ-rays in different doses before sowing, and their economically valuable features. It was found that in addition to sterile, late-ripening, small-boll forms of plants, as well as large-boll, compact bush, fast-growing, high-fiber forms of economic value are found in plants altered by γ-radiation. The results showed that an increase in the γ-radiation dose leads to increasing in the percentage of variability, while parameters such as productivity, fiber yield and fiber length decrease compared to the control plant.

Due to the special importance of productive, high fiber output, long-fiber, forms with high raw-cotton in one boll as a starting material, they were selected for use in next-generation plants. Thus, on the basis of them, it is possible to select economically valuable forms in future generations.


How to Cite

Zeynalova, I.C., A.A. Tagiyev, G.A. Gojayeva, and E.S. Jafarov. 2022. “Types and Economically Valuable Features of Change Produced by the Gamma Radiation before Sowing the Seeds by the M1 Generation of the Cotton Plant”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 15 (2):40-46. https://doi.org/10.26577/ijbch.2022.v15.i2.06.