Biological activity of sulfur nanoparticles in the sulfur-dimethyl sulfoxide-water system


  • F.Kh. Urakaev Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • M.M. Burkitbayev Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • N.V. Khan Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Novosibirsk, Russia

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For the first time a sulfur solution in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) with concentration of 1.592 g/L [1] was used to prepare sulfur nanoparticles (nanosulfur). Synthesis and stabilization of colloidal sulfur particles was carried out at 298K (25°C) by diluting the sulfur solution in DMSO with water 10 to 1000 times. The stable sizes of nanosulfur measured by dynamic light scattering were ~ 100 nm. The results were confirmed both qualitatively and quantitatively using X-ray and electron microscopy methods. The antibacterial activity of the nanosulfur on the phytopathogenic bacterium Erwinia amylovora and fungus Fusarium solani was tested.


How to Cite

Urakaev, F.Kh., M.M. Burkitbayev, and N.V. Khan. 2022. “Biological Activity of Sulfur Nanoparticles in the Sulfur-Dimethyl Sulfoxide-Water System”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 15 (2):54-75.