Analysis of the current situation and tendencies of further development of worldwide and local science "safety of water"


  • A. A. Tursunov Geography institute of International Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • S. M. Romanova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        74 47


safety of water, hydrochemistry, quality of natural water


The article contains short analysis of the current situation and development tendencies of worldwide and Kazakhstan «water safety» science. There is an explanation of scientific definition "water safety", of its traditional aspect (in relation with water volumes) and of ecological aspect (in relation with quality of natural water). Special attention was paid for regional peculiarities of water problems in Kazakhstan, i.e.: high deficit of water resources; exceptional pollution of the territory; exceptional self-cleaning capability of the territory and water objects. It is pointed out, that the whole complex of scientific investigations on territory self-cleaning due to wind-distribution of wastes, has not been taken by both worldwide and republican science. There were made local investigations only. Kazakhstan surface waters are of extremely self-cleaning capability, based on hydrobionts, hydro-chemical characteristics and climate conditions: continentality, high amplitude of water and air temperature fluctuations, aridity of the territory (moisture deficit), high sun radiation, severe winter cold, calcium and magnesium carbonate setting, heavy-metals co precipitating.


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How to Cite

Tursunov, A. A., and S. M. Romanova. 2012. “Analysis of the Current Situation and Tendencies of Further Development of Worldwide and Local Science ‘safety of Water’”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry, no. 4 (December):82-86.