Prospects for use of beans lectins to obtain biopreparations for agriculture


  • E. D. Dzhangalina Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • B. A. Zhumabayevа Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Z. G. Aytashevа Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        46 38


common bean, protein components, lectins, biopreparations, calli


One of the priority tasks of biotechnology is supplying agricultural farming with cheap, environmentally clean and effective phytopreparations based on biologically active plant substances, and particularly lectins that are widely used in agriculture, medicine, pharmacology and other branches of industry. The data on the study of protein complex, activities of nutritional as anti-nutritional components of common bean and the development of advanced technologies for agricultural biopreparations on the basis of common bean lectins by biotechnology techniques are highlighted in this review.


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How to Cite

Dzhangalina, E. D., Zhumabayevа B. A., and Aytashevа Z. G. 2013. “Prospects for Use of Beans Lectins to Obtain Biopreparations for Agriculture”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 5 (1):13-17.