Osmotic resistance of blood erythrocytes at rats unover in vitro infrasonic waves action


  • S. A. Sharipova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        76 37


infrasonic waves, permeability of erythrocyte’ membranes, hemolysis rate


Effect of infrasonic waves from 13 to 30 Hz with intensity range 10.9 to 14 dB on the permeability of erythrocytes’ membrane exposed to infrasonic waves with different times nas gfuetea and introduced to rats for 24 hours. The results showed that significantly high increase in the hemolysis rate, dispersion of the hemolysis process and the maximum rate of hemolysis (dH/dC) max. It can be concluded that infrasonic waves induced the increase of the permeability of erythrocyte’ membranes.


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How to Cite

Sharipova, S. A. 2013. “Osmotic Resistance of Blood Erythrocytes at Rats Unover in Vitro Infrasonic Waves Action”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 5 (1):18-23. https://ijbch.kaznu.kz/index.php/kaznu/article/view/79.