Characteristic traits of hydrochemical processes in continental reservoirs


  • S. M. Romanova Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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hydro chemical regime, hydro chemical processes, continental reservoir, quality of natural water


Display traits hydro chemical processes in continental reservoirs of arid zone, which to differ from such gumid districts. Results obtain on foundation facts of literary and ones own investigations. Kazakhstan continental closed reservoirs, Balkhash, Sasykkol and Alakol lakes accumulate river water, ground water and aerial water. Confluence of waters with each other and with the water of these lakes causes both physical mixing and metamorphization processes, causing generation of contemporary saline composition of lake water. Leading role in metamorphization of chemical composition of natural waters is for wind mixing and oxygenation of water layers; alongshore movement of drifts, their flotation (abrasion, segregation), and also saturation of water with colloid-clay substances.


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How to Cite

Romanova, S. M. 2013. “Characteristic Traits of Hydrochemical Processes in Continental Reservoirs”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 5 (1):86-93.