Use of local raw materials to obtain glass used in glazing of ceramic products


  • S. Satayeva Zhangirkhan West-Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University, Uralsk, Kazakhstan
  • F. Akhmetova Zhangirkhan West-Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University, Uralsk, Kazakhstan
  • S. Yermukhanova Zhangirkhan West-Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University, Uralsk, Kazakhstan
  • G. Gubaidullina Zhangirkhan West-Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University, Uralsk, Kazakhstan
  • A. Abdrakhmanova M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan University, Uralsk, Kazakhstan
  • M. Ibrayeva Yessenov University, Aktau, Kazakhstan
  • M. Ozturk Mugla Sıtkı Koçman University, Mugla, Turkey
  • T. Utepova M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan University, Uralsk, Kazakhstan

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Glass is one of the widely used materials in the construction industry and in everyday life. The year-on-year growing demand for various types of glass products pushes the glass-making industries to increase their production volumes and not to lower their quality levels. The scientific and technical progress in glass extraction has gradually expanded the area of ​​its effective use. In recent years, significant changes have taken place in the glassmaking technique. New production methods and ways of improving existing technological processes appeared, and new areas of glass application began to open. The chemical composition of the product was changed and different types of glass were made. In this regard, the study of the method of obtaining glass with different properties is one of the most important issues. In order to prepare the composition of colored glass used in the production of various products, colored glass was obtained in laboratory conditions. Physico-chemical properties of the obtained colored glass were studied in order to determine the area of application. Based on the research results, the obtained colored glass can be used for decorative purposes.


How to Cite

Satayeva, S., F. Akhmetova, S. Yermukhanova, G. Gubaidullina, A. Abdrakhmanova, M. Ibrayeva, M. Ozturk, and T. Utepova. 2024. “Use of Local Raw Materials to Obtain Glass Used in Glazing of Ceramic Products”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 17 (2):179-83.