Influence of oil of the Tengiz field and enterosorbents on hematologic indicators of blood of small mammals


  • S. A. Sharipova v
  • M. I. Dossymbetova
        58 32


pollution, crude oil, chronic intoxication, chelators, rats, hematological parameters of blood


The article presents the results of studying the influence of crude oil and chelators on hematological indices of blood in experimental animals. Found that crude oil raises nonspecific reaction of the organism small mammals pollution, which is stressful for the animals. It is shown that the use of chelators as a cleaner body from the toxic effects of oil significantly reduces the negative effects of oil on the homeostasis of the organism.


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How to Cite

Sharipova, S. A., and M. I. Dossymbetova. 2013. “Influence of Oil of the Tengiz Field and Enterosorbents on Hematologic Indicators of Blood of Small Mammals”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 5 (1):111-15.