Prolonged accumulation of wastewater and its treatment at the Tekeli lead and zinc mining complex


  • Z. M. Biyasheva Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, al-Farabi KazNU
  • A. B. Kerimkulova Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, al-Farabi KazNU
  • A. A. Nurmuchambetova Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, al-Farabi KazNU
  • A. Erzhanova Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, al-Farabi KazNU
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tailings, heavy metals, radioactivity, bioindication


The aim of the present research is determination of the some heavy metals content in a grain of barley, grown in the tailing impact area; the radio nucleus content in the specimen of species indicator and its organ can be judged by a total radioactivity level and relation to the maximum acceptable concentration (MAC) level. Water and biosamples test preparation have been conducted according to standard methods. Barley bioindication has shown the MAC exceeding of all the studied heavy metals. A higher level of the lead accumulation in seeds compared with the barley biomass has been observed. The present data show quite satisfactory condition of the area of investigation in accordance with radioactivity.


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How to Cite

Biyasheva, Z. M., A. B. Kerimkulova, A. A. Nurmuchambetova, and A. Erzhanova. 2013. “Prolonged Accumulation of Wastewater and Its Treatment at the Tekeli Lead and Zinc Mining Complex”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 6 (2):8-12.