Carbon-palladium catalytic systems based on kazakhstan shungite ore for liquid-phase nitrobenzene hydrogenation


  • A. A. Atchabarova The Center of Physical-Chemical Methods of Research and Analysis (CPCMA) al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • R. R. Tokpayev The Center of Physical-Chemical Methods of Research and Analysis (CPCMA) al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Zh. M. Muhamedzhanova The Center of Physical-Chemical Methods of Research and Analysis (CPCMA) al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • M. K. Nauryzbayev The Center of Physical-Chemical Methods of Research and Analysis (CPCMA) al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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shungite, catalytic systems, carbon-palladium


The carbon concentrate (C = 40% by the weight) based on shungite ore has been obtained by chemical enrichment. The concentrate is used as carbon-metal carrier of catalyst. It has been established that the best affinity of the C-Pd is due to the high content of carbon. A partial recovery of palladium due to electron-donor centers of the surface of the carbon matrix occurs on the shungite carrier as a result of chemisorption on H2PdCI4. The carbon-metal catalysts have been researched by electron microscopy and X-ray fluorescence analysis.


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How to Cite

Atchabarova, A. A., R. R. Tokpayev, Zh. M. Muhamedzhanova, and M. K. Nauryzbayev. 2013. “Carbon-Palladium Catalytic Systems Based on Kazakhstan Shungite Ore for Liquid-Phase Nitrobenzene Hydrogenation”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 6 (2):30-34.