Removal of mineral salts (including bicarbonate calcium and magnesium) from Ulken Almaty and Kishi Almaty rivers


  • S. M. Romanova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • G. Z. Akanova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

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calcium carbonate equilibrium, removal mineral salts, ion flow, water flow, water consumption


For evaluated some components of hydrochemical balance watercourses necessary to carry out the calculation flow of chemicals, which is very important not only for biological productivity, but also studied intensity of erosion and accumulation processes occurring in the basin. It was learned of longterm dynamics of this process can also deeper understanding the nature of the influence of those or other lithological and anthropogenic factors in the basin on the formation of chemical composition and quality of the river water. The article presents data on the flow of dissolved mineral substances, including calcium and magnesium carbonates, rivers Ulken Almaty, Kishi Almaty in comparison to other rivers of northern slope of Ili Alatau (Shilik, Turgen, Esik, Esentai) over many years. It was established that during the period from 2009 to 2010 years water of Ulken Almaty upstream 5,486 tons of mineral salts, and in the downstream – 7,135 tons, and the share of calcium bicarbonate (calculated of calcium carbonate) have an average of 68% of all salts. Kishi Almaty river in the upstream 4,776 tons (including calcium bicarbonate – 4,080 tonnes) and downstream – 29,520 tons (including 18,745 tons of calcium bicarbonate).


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How to Cite

Romanova, S. M., and G. Z. Akanova. 2015. “Removal of Mineral Salts (including Bicarbonate Calcium and Magnesium) from Ulken Almaty and Kishi Almaty Rivers”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 8 (2):71-76.