Chemical study of Artemisia austriaca Jacq.


  • Sergazy Adekenov JSC "International Research and Production Holding "Phytochemistry"

        259 175


Chemical study of Artemisia austriaca Jacq. was carried out by various methods of plant raw materials extraction. Three sesquiterpene lactones of the guaian type were isolated and identified from the acetone extract of Artemisia austriaca Jacq. by the method of column chromatography - arborescine, austricin, artausin and the flavonoid 5-oxy-7,4’-dimethoxy-6-methylflavone; 5-oxy-7,4’-dimethoxy-6-methylflavone and artausin were not detected in aqueous extract. Austricin is a marker component in the Artemisia line closely related to Artemisia austriaca Jacq. Isolation and identification of the sesquiterpene lactones of arborescine and austricin allows us to consider Artemisia austriaca Jacq. as a biogenetically close species to Artemisia of the subgenera Artemisia Less. and Seriphidium (Bess.) Rouy. Austricin is a promising renewable material for the development of original lipid-lowering, antioxidant and antiparasitic agents.


How to Cite

Adekenov, Sergazy. 2021. “Chemical Study of Artemisia Austriaca Jacq”. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 14 (1):156-63.